Ghanaian raw shea butter is an organic natural moisturiser with food and nutrients for your skin. Shea butter is indigenous to the wild and dry savannah belt of West Africa and has many many uses from skin application to edible consumption.
Shea butter contains:
• linoleic, palmitic, stearic, and oleic fatty acids, ingredients that balance oils on your skin
• Vitamins A, E, and F, antioxidant vitamins that promote circulation and healthy skin cell growth
• Triglycerides, the fatty part of the shea nut that nourishes and conditions your skin
• Cetyl esters, the waxy part of the shea nut butter that conditions skin and locks in moisture
The many benefits of shea butter are:
- It’s moisturizes by rapidly absorbing into your skin
- Shea butter is easy for your skin to fully absorb and won’t make your skin look oily after application.
- It’s anti-inflammatory and good for eczema
- Shea butter has significant levels of vitamins A and E, which means it promotes strong antioxidant activity.
- It’s got antibacterial properties
- Shea tree products have been established as powerful ingredients to fight skin infections caused by fungi. So it can fight ring worms and bald batches
- Shea butter is rich in different kinds of fatty acids. This unique composition helps clear your skin of excess oil (sebum).
- It helps boost collagen production
- Shea’s moisturizing and antioxidant properties work together to help your skin generate healthy new cells.
- It may help reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scarring
- By boosting collagen production and promoting new cell generation, shea butter may help reduce wrinkles and fine lines that environmental stress and aging can create on skin.
- It offers added sun protection
- It may help prevent hair breakage
- One way to treat dandruff is to restore moisture to your dry and irritated scalp. Shea butter helps with that.
- Shea’s anti-inflammatory properties help soothe skin and relieve itching. This may prove especially helpful for inflammatory skin conditions, such as eczema.
- Shea’s anti-inflammatory components may reduce redness and swelling from sunburn and other skin burns.
- Shea butter has been traditionally used to soothe bee stings and insect bites.
- Shea is also linked to the tissue remodeling that’s crucial for treating wounds.
- Muscles that have been overextended can be affected by inflammation and stiffness as your body repairs muscle tissue. Shea butter helps